Khushpreet Kaur

Price per 100 words :
$ 2.00

Writer’s information

What all industries do you write for ?Adult, Art, Education, Entertainment, Environmental, Healthcare, Internet, Lifestyle, Medical, Music, Pets, Technology, Travel
What languages are you able to write in?English
Since how many years have you been writing professionally ?0-2 years

About the writer

A philomath, writer and currently working as an IELTS trainer, I possess the necessary skills and competency required for content writing services. The provided link contains my best writings ranging from fictional stories, poems to informative article writing.

I am also coaching students in grammar; ergo I am a stickler for grammar and a grammatically sound content reflects highly on an institution’s credibility and authenticity. Hence, I can nail that down perfectly.

Additionally, I am acquainted with factors that enhances social media outreach too, since I have been handling my Instagram page:- language_smitten.

April 27, 2023 1:07 pm

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