Hire ghostwriters from various countries and languages. Below are the listings of companies and freelancers that provide ghost writing services. Ghostwriters, contrary to what the name sounds like, make jobs less scarier for people. Ghostwriters are usually hired to do literary works, speeches, etc. that are to be credited to others. In a nutshell, they ...read more
$ 300.00


Hiring me would benefit not only you on writing blogs, but would keep me motivated to write from my heart to make an impact in […]
384 total views, 0 today
$ 10.00


Every brand has stories to tell—stories that will not only engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience, but that will also deliver on measurable […]
410 total views, 0 today
$ 0.25

Harsh Kumar Shukla

Its Harsh Kumar Shukla, a freelancer. Though my age might be less but i have gained bit of experience towards content writing in English accompanied […]
411 total views, 0 today
$ 3.99


Strictly Professional. Confident, disciplined and proficient is how I would describe myself and the work that I do.
361 total views, 0 today
$ 4.00


Hey there! I am a post graduate in Chemistry and have experience in technical and academic content writing. Worked as a content editor and content […]
425 total views, 0 today
$ 1.40

Shivali sharma

I’m a finance professional with some astounding writing skills. I have 2+ years of freelancing experience, and I have written over 200 articles (both long-form […]
430 total views, 0 today

Hire ghostwriters from various countries and languages. Below are the listings of companies and freelancers that provide ghost writing services.

Ghostwriters, contrary to what the name sounds like, make jobs less scarier for people. Ghostwriters are usually hired to do literary works, speeches, etc. that are to be credited to others. In a nutshell, they are paid to write for someone without their own credit as an author.

Hire Ghostwriters

What are the Skills Required to be a ghost writer?

A ghostwriter has to be fast, flexible and collaborative. Collaborative mindset is very important as this is what most of your job lies around. You have to communicate with several departments, know the needs and write for them. You should be able to capture your client’s voice and keep that in mind while writing for them.

What do Ghostwriters do?

Ghostwriters write novels, e-mails, speeches, ads, blog posts, newspaper articles, etc that are not credited to them. This makes it clear that in order to be a ghostwriter you have to be extremely skilled and possess a varied skill set. Most importantly, you should be adaptable and a compelling writer.

How to Become a Good Ghostwriter?

You need to have the following, to become a good ghostwriter.

  • Confidence

In order to be good at ghostwriting you have to be a lot of things, but first confident. Confidence is very much essential for your clients to trust you and hand in their projects. If you are able to convince them that you can do it, half the job is done there.

  • Research skills

If you are relying on them for writing what they want, it is definitely a turnoff for any client. Dig up the facts by yourself and always recheck the information before setting it for publishing.

  • Flexibility

As a ghostwriter, you have to be really flexible with whatever the kind of work that comes to your table. At the same time, you should also be curious to learn new skills and information that is required for your job. Adaptability is always impressive for someone who looks for ghostwriters.


Most importantly you should learn to get familiarized with the person or the project in order to be able to write for that. This is the simplest way to ace as ghostwriters.

Hire ghostwriters