Manesha jadon

Price per 100 words :
$ 10.00

Writer’s information

What all industries do you write for ?Art, Entertainment, Fashion, Food, Healthcare, Internet, Lifestyle, Music, Pets, Sports, Travel, other
What languages are you able to write in?English, Hindi
Since how many years have you been writing professionally ?0-2 years

About the writer

I am an aspiring Journalist, pursuing MASS AND COMMUNICATIONS from one of the prestigious colleges in my nation. A social worker, creative innovative person who tries to do a bit for society. Believer of holistic development, been awarded twice as the best all-rounder in my high school. I desire To secure a position in a well-reputed organization to expand my learning, knowledge, and skills. I want to evolve to an extent by acquiring skills that make me a valuable professional in this field. I strive for the best, this organization will take up my journey of inevitable challenges in a high professional environment to gain practical experience.

January 29, 2024 7:42 pm

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