Yashi ojha

Price per 100 words :
$ 7.00

Writer’s information

What all industries do you write for ?Education, Entertainment, Environmental, Finance, Internet, Sports, Travel, other
What languages are you able to write in?English
Since how many years have you been writing professionally ?2-5 years

About the writer

           Audio Streaming website


Audio streaming is a format for the modern world. It is an ideal way to access information for people on the go, whether they are commuting, doing the household things, they are in the office, car or doing anything else, podcasts and online radio can entertain and inform, entertain you and keep you updated. Streaming audio is the term given to receiving audio, mostly music over the internet. The advent of audio streaming delivery services has brought a new dimension all together in response to hearing audio playlist feed into popular streaming platforms in the form of multi-device compatibility. Furthermore, with no doubt the best audio streaming website ensures to entertain millions of listeners with an uninterrupted accessibility for on demand product and services. Besides due to the lockdown, it had other positive developments as well, as the people were at home and constantly looking for some entertainment. subsequently, it resulted in the rise of user engagement through audio streaming apps considerably. 


Our audio streaming website is a fantastic music streaming website template with the user-friendly admin panel built with PHP. The admin can create, update, delete, track, album artist from the backend and change the various configurations. In short it gives control to the admin for managing the website in a better way. This website provides the best quality music streaming service with a unique design and template to choose from. Our audio streaming website offers all the required and important features which makes a streaming website fulfill. It follows all the standards to satisfy the user requirement and to make it a perfect music streaming website application package. It is an entirely SEO friendly music application. It also has a search option so that the user can browse for the audio of their own choice, the audios are categorically mentioned under their respective headings so that it would be easy for users to search for them. 


The script enables the user to add songs of their choice and enjoy listening to it, as and when they want to, the users would get a raw website and add the song they want to enlist,the songs would not be pre-loaded already. One of the traditional benefits of the script is that it has a clickable advertisement banner, which helps show ads. This banner ads helps the admin to generate income. Additionally this website has some more additional features to offer. 


  • It is an admin panel with PHP. 
  • Custom music player. 
  • UI material design. 
  • Easy to install. 
  • Easy to customise. 
  • It has a super friendly and well sorted code. 
  • Equipped with all modern features. 
  • It also has a modern and clean Code. 


For most consumers the most important features of audio streaming services are quality of sound and price. They want convenience with an important feature of a service, which is the ease of making a playlist and prioritising the ease of discovering new songs, artists or various other audios enabled. Our website is a complete savior for all these requirements. Audio streaming is the most prevalent service as the user obtains the entire file for the content before watching and listening to it. All you need to stream is a reliable and fast high-speed Internet access and a subscription on your device. Nowadays audio streaming websites have a huge market and have a better targeted audience, flashing of ads or the subscription of the website by the users, adds an additional source of revenue in income of the admin. Thus you can start your audio streaming website with us and enjoy the virtually flawless design of it. 

April 27, 2023 12:45 pm

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